Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Students Taking Online Courses On Campus - 902 Words

Students taking online courses are not engaged in their academic life. These students are not taking advantage of their education while on campus. By being on campus, there is the opportunity to be connected with their faculty members. From my own experience, interacting with my professors promotes the concept of learning with purpose through the process of socializing, mentoring, and networking. Socializing with professors provides students with different sets of skills. As a student, I realize, talking to my professors is different than talking to fellow students. Students have to take the initiative to contacting with professors, and getting mutual respect does not work with a one-time visit and it needs to be constant. Making appointments taught me professional emailing, and time management by setting a time where we are both free to meet. Having a conversation with professor helped become better at talking at a professional level. What makes socializing with professors interesting is getting know them as an individual. Such as teacher to teacher interaction can be a learning experience such as learning that you are never too old to express yourself. By observing the books they have on the shelves, posters they hang in front and inside their office, to even the way organize their work. It’s practically a summary of their academic achievement, likes and dislikes, and motivations. By understanding different professors, it becomes less intimidating and easier to ask forShow MoreRelatedOnline Courses A Better Way Of Learning Than A Traditional On Campus1638 Words   |  7 PagesOnline classes are quickly becoming a popular option for college students. Although being around since the mid-90s, it has taken off over the past few years. It can be a beneficial alternative to on-campus classes. Institutions are trying to make it more convenient for students to get their degree. Some of the people who can benefit from online classes are students who live far from their college, have children, have jobs, or are disabled. People in this era are already on the internet for the majorityRead More Online Courses vs. Traditional Courses Essays911 Words   |  4 Pagesand more colleges are offering courses to students that are entirely online. Students who are drawn to online courses include students working full-time jobs, students who would prefer a private study environment, or students who find that online courses are easier than traditional (campus-based) courses. Advertisements geared to encourage students to register for online classes have the tendency to portray them as being easier and requiring less work than its campus counterpart. For instance, someRead MoreOnline College Courses For Students985 Words   |  4 PagesOnline college courses are almost becoming traditional for students. Some may perceive that a student does not receive an equal education when taking an online class. Peo ple tend to think that if a teacher is not directly giving the information about the subject, the course learning experience is different or unjust. This assumption is wrong according to the perception of many online course takers. Online college courses offer students the advantage to learn on their own time. The skills that a studentRead MoreOnline Education Is A Type Of Distance Learning1142 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Online education is a type of distance learning that involves taking college courses without attending the campus. Instead students and professors interact over the Internet. It utilizes the Internet or video conferencing to create learning communities. Course materials are provided on a Web site and are occasionally found on CD-ROM; email, bulletin boards, forums, and chat rooms are used to interact with other students and teachers. (â€Å"Online Learning?† 2015) In 1873 the first officialRead MoreOnline Education Is A Type Of Distance Learning1141 Words   |  5 PagesOnline education is a type of distance learning that involves taking courses without attending an on-campus college. Instead students and professors interact over the internet. It utilizes the Internet or videoconferencing to create learning communities. Course materials are provided on a Web site and are occasionally found on CD-ROM; email, bulletin boards, forums, and chat rooms are used to interact with other students and teachers. (â€Å"Online Learning?† 2015) In 1873 the first official online educationRead MoreThe Negatives Of Online Education1026 Words   |  5 PagesThe Negatives of Online Education Online education is a type of distance learning. The student is taking courses without attending a school or university. Instead, online students and teachers interact over the Internet. Online classes can teach students educational responsibility. By forcing them to access the online portal to participate in reading the textbooks/lectures and doing the assignments. Technical abilities is also learned with online classes. Students who lack the tech savvy knowledgeRead MoreOnline Education Is A Type Of Distance Learning1022 Words   |  5 PagesOnline education is a type of distance learning. The student is taking courses without attending a school or university. Instead, online students and teachers interact over the Internet. Online classes can teach students educational responsibility. By forcing them to access the online portal to participate in reading the textbook/lectures and doing the assignments. Technical abilities are also learned with online classes. Students who lack the tech savvy knowledge can learn how to navigate throughRead MoreOnline Education : An Effective Way For Students991 Words   |  4 PagesOnline education has been proven to be an effective way for students to finish their college career. Since online education started, students who decide to take online courses have now many opportunities to finish their career without having to be on campus. Online education gives students who have a very tight schedule the opportunity to take classes online without having to worry about being on a classroom. Students who usually take courses online tend to think that it can be easier, rather thanRead MoreDistance Learning Or Traditional Classroom?1609 Words   |  7 Pagesinstruction in which students are at a location physically separated from their instructor during the entire study. Many students like to enroll in online courses because of the flexibility of the class schedules, benefit of accessing and re-reviewing the classes later which ar e already conducted and of course the total cost to obtain a degree is far less than a traditional class room style education. In an interesting article written by Gupta et al entitled College Distance Education Courses: EvaluatingRead MoreOnline Learning Vs. Online Education1372 Words   |  6 PagesOnline education is growing in popularity as more colleges and universities offer alternative enrollment programs. While there may be advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages, especially for those who may face obstacles in pursuing a college education. Online education can be an alternative means to classroom instruction. Online instruction allows students to have a flexible schedule while taking college courses. Moreover, flexibility and convenience

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